Swiss Watch Hands

Swiss Small Second/Recorder Hands

Small Baton and Alpha style second hands in Yellow, White and Black. Individual hands, price each. Baton Hole 18, 20, 26. Limited supply on Alpha.

Limited supply - call for size and availability. 1-800-487-0408.

SKU 999.500.01B
Select Color, Style & Size:
Small second hands for watches. Swiss Alpha and Baton styles on black, white, or yellow. Limited supply. Quantity pricing available while supplies last.


999.500.01B 999.500.01W 999.500.01Y BATON 18 3.0

999.500.02B 999.500.02W 999.500.02Y BATON 18 3.5

999.500.03B 999.500.03W 999.500.03Y BATON 18 5.0

999.500.04B XXX.XXX.XXX 999.500.04Y BATON 20 3.0

999.500.05B XXX.XXX.XXX 999.500.05Y BATON 20 3.5

999.500.06B 999.500.06W 999.500.06Y BATON 20 5.0

999.500.07B 999.500.07W 999.500.07Y BATON 26 5.0

999.500.08B XXX.XXX.XXX 999.500.08Y ALPHA 18 3.0

999.500.09B 999.500.09W 999.500.09Y ALPHA 18 4.0

999.500.10B 999.500.10W 999.500.10Y ALPHA 20 3.0

999.500.11B 999.500.11W 999.500.12Y ALPHA 20 4.0

999.500.12B XXX.XXX.XXX 999.500.12Y ALPHA 26 4.0

Limited supplies available.

This item is typically IN STOCK and ready to ship.

Most orders are shipped from our facility with 24 hours, Monday through Friday.

Cas-Ker Co.
2550 Civic Center Drive | Cincinnati, OH 45231 | CALL 800-487-0408 | FAX 800-487-5848 | Cincinnati 513-674-7700
